Comparing two lyric poems in Farsi and Kurdish Case study: Nizami’s Khosrow and Shirin and Khana Qubadi’s Khosrow and Shirin

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature, Payame-Noor University

2 M.A.Persian Language and Literature Sanandaj Payame-Noor University


Among those stories of Nizami’s Quinary, the story of Khosrow Parviz, The Sassanid King of kings, loving Shirin, The Armenian lady’s niece, is of important significance because of having national flavor and mythic and lyric backgrounds.
Historically, this story has been at the focus of attention and narrated in many different ways. Reports by Dinawari, Jahiz, Tha'alibi, Tabari, and Ibn al-Nabatah, are from among these narrations.  Nizami Ganjavi’s Khosrow and Shirin has been considered by such other poets as Amir Kosrow Dihlawi, Salimi Jaruni, Shahab Tarshizi, Hatefi Kharjerdi, Vahshi Bafghi, Orfi Shirazi, Vesal Shirazi, and Nami Isfahani.
The importance of the present study is the narration of Khosrow and shirin by the great Kurdish poet Khana Qubadi, Nizami’s mother being a Kurd, the story’s occurrence in Kurdish regions, and Kurdish verbal narrations of the story.
Therefore, regarding the importance of two Khosrow and Shirin poems by Nizami Ganjavi and Khana Qubadi (in Kurdish regions), the authors try to compare these two masterpieces using content comparison method, and also to introduce Khana Qubadi and cultural considerations in his works.
