A comparative study “The juggler of Notre-Dame” by Gautier de Coincy and Rumi’s "Moses and the Shepherd"

Document Type : Research Paper



“The juggler of Notre-Dame” is a very old Latin story that was translated into MiddleFranc in the thirteenth century by Gautier de Coincy (French poet). This story is about a juggler that placed into the monastery decided serve the Virgin Mary with juggle. This work was looked indecent and profane by two monks; but prior encouraged him to continue this work. This story is very similar to “Moses and the Shepherd” of  Rumi in content and structure (plot, conflict, climax, point of view, …).The main theme of twostories is the contrast of knowledge of God and his relationshipfrom the point of view of a naïve and a devout. Message and theme of two stories is that everyone knows and worships God according to his taste and understanding and should not blame someone about this. The purpose of this paper is comparative analysis of the two-story structure, content, and express similarities and differences between the two
